Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project

Tombstone Inscription Translations




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A BASIC guide to common words and phrases commonly found on Tombstones,

translated from languages likely to be encountered while researching in Pennsylvania.

Anyone who can contribute translations into additional languages,

or have additional phrases to be included, should contact


Ellis Michaels



English Croatian

translation contributor

Robert Jerin

January siječanj
February veljača
March ožujak
April travanj
May svibanj
June lipanj
July srpanj
August kolovoz
September rujan
October listopad
November studeni
December prosinac
age dob
week tjedan
day dan
month mjesec
year godina
born 1] rodjen  2] rođen
died 1] umrli 2] smrt
Sunday nedjelja
Monday ponedjeljak
Tuesday utorak
Wednesday srijeda
Thursday četvrtak
Friday petak
Saturday subota
father 1] otac 2] redovnik
mother 1] majka 2] mama
husband 1] suprug 2] muž
wife 1] supruga 2] žena
son sin
daughter kći
brother brat
sister sestra
grandfather djed
grandmother baka
uncle 1] stric 2] ujak 3] tetak
aunt 1] tetka 2] strina 3] ujna
marriage 1] vjenčanje 2] ženidba
here lies ovdje pociva
rest in peace Pocivala u miru Bozjem


Common Croatian Surnames and their meanings

KOVAC = smith (like blacksmith)


MLINAR = miller


KLOBUCAR = hat maker


PEKAR = baker


MEDVED = bear


HREN = horseradish


LISICA = fox


RIBAR = fisherman


KOLAR = wheelmaker


JAVOR = maple tree


IVANIC = Ivan the male given name meaning John, the IC ending means son of


BOSNAR = someone from Bosnia


HORVAT = means.... Croatian


CRNOBRNA = crna is black, brna from the name Bernard


PALIKUCA = pali means to set fire or asonist, kuca means house ... very interesting


SARENGACA = saren is multi-colored, gaca means underwear


ZLOJUTRO = zlo means evil or sickness, jutro means morning


POTURICA = someone who converted to the Turkish way of life or Islam (everyone with this name that I know of is Roman Catholic!)


HADJUK = from a Turkish word for highwayman


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Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project Coordinator:


Ellis Michaels


This page was updated 27 Apr 2011 and is maintained by Ellis Michaels


© 2006 - 2011 USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project