Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project

Tombstone Inscription Translations




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A BASIC guide to common words and phrases commonly found on Tombstones,

translated from languages likely to be encountered while researching in Pennsylvania.

Anyone who can contribute translations into additional languages,

or have additional phrases to be included, should contact


Ellis Michaels



English Italian / Latin
January Gennaio / Januarii
February Febbraio / Februarii
March Marzo / Martii
April Aprile / Aprilis
May Maggio / Maii
June Giuno / Junii
July Luglio / Julii
August Agosto / Augustii
September Settembre / Septembris
October Ottobre / Octobris
November Novembre / Novembris
December Dicembre / Decembris
age eta
week settimana
day giorno / dies
month mese /  mensis
year anno / annus
born 1] sopportato 2] nato / partus
died morto
Sunday Domenica
Monday Lunedi
Tuesday Martedi
Wednesday Mercoledi
Thursday Giovedi
Friday Venerdi
Saturday Sabato
father padre / pater
mother madre / mater
husband marito / uxor
wife moglie / 1] mulier 2] uxor
son figlio / filius
daughter figlia / filia
brother fratello / frater
sister sorella / soror
grandfather nonno / avus
grandmother nonna / ava
uncle zio / avunclulus
aunt zia / amita
marriage unione / matrimonium
here rests qui si riposa
rest gently *
rest in peace requiescat in pace
remember death memento mori
time flies fugit hora
though silent, he speaks dum tacet clamat - associated with Woodmen of the World grave markers


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Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project Coordinator:


Ellis Michaels


This page was updated 27 Apr 2011 and is maintained by Ellis Michaels


© 2006-2011 USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project