Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project

Tombstone Inscription Translations




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A BASIC guide to common words and phrases commonly found on Tombstones,

translated from languages likely to be encountered while researching in Pennsylvania.

Anyone who can contribute translations into additional languages,

or have additional phrases to be included, should contact


Ellis Michaels



English Polish

translation contributor

Bill Plack / Danuta Szota/others

January Styczen
February Luty
March Marzec
April Kwiecien
May Maj
June Czerwiec
July Lipiec
August Sierpien
September Wrzesien
October Pazdziernik
November Listopad
December Grudzien
age 1] wiek 2] w wieku
week tydzien
day dzien
month miesiac
year rok
years stara
years old lat stary
born 1] urodzony 2] urodzona
still born martwo urodzony
place of birth miejsce urodzenia
died 1] zmarl  2] zmarla
day of death umarl dnia
Sunday Niedziela
Monday Poniedzialek
Tuesday Wtorek
Wednesday Sroda
Thursday Czwartek
Friday Piatek
Saturday Sobota
father 1] ojciec 2] rodzic
mother 1] matka 2] macierz 3] mamusia
husband 1] maz  2] malzonek
wife 1] zona  2] malzonka
son syn
daughter corka
brother brat
sister siostra
grandfather dziadek
grandmother 1] babka  2] babcia
uncle 1] wuj  2] wujek
aunt 1] ciotka  2] ciocia
marriage malzenstwo
married malzenski
widow wdowa
widower wdowiec
here rests tutaj spoczywa
here rests tu spoczywa
rest in peace spoczywaj w pokoju
Please say a Hail Mary for me Prosi O Zdrowas Marya
My Jesus have Mercy Moj Jezu Milosierdzia
Peace to His Soul Pokoj Jego Duszy


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Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project Coordinator:


Ellis Michaels


This page was updated 10 Apr 2012 and is maintained by Ellis Michaels


© 2006-2011 USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project